Don't be a victim of drive-by downloads - Zantek Information Technology Inc.

Don't be a victim of drive-by downloads

3 tips to stay safe online

Posted By: Zantek

In the good old days, you had to download or install a virus to activate malware on your computer. Today’s hackers, however, are proficient in drive-by downloads. It means that you only need to visit a web page to pick up a virus on your computer, tablet, or phone.

Antivirus software plays an important role in keeping your employees safe online but there are a few simple steps that everyone can take to reduce your company’s exposure to viruses and malware.

Run the latest version – of everything

Malware makers exploit known vulnerabilities in older versions of browsers, add-ons, and software. Adobe Acrobat, which is often exploited, is reportedly the most commonly-outdated plugin.

Think before you click

Don’t get lured to malicious web pages by an outrageous offer. Right-clicking a hyperlink and selecting PROPERTIES will reveal the true destination of the link. If it looks different than what you expected, stay away!

Browse smart

Always double-check the URL of your banking, social networking, and email site before you log in. Most browsers, including Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer, now include a color-change on the left side of the location bar for verified sites. Also, checking for HTTPS instead of the less-secure HTTP is a good idea.