3 things every SMB should know about the cloud - Zantek Information Technology Inc.

3 things every SMB should know about the cloud

Posted By: Zantek

Cloud computing for small and midsize businessesUndoubtedly, the greatest challenge facing today’s business leaders is managing the ever-accelerating pace of change. It’s especially challenging for smaller businesses that lack the IT resources required to map out a strategy. And yet doing so is the only way to effectively compete with larger, more global players. Cloud computing is a perfect example of technology that, while widely accepted as playing-field-leveller by experts, is still a mystery for many small and midsize businesses (SMBs).

“It’s understandable that business owners are hesitant to step into the cloud because most aren’t IT experts and they already have their hands full running the business,” says Ron Mondor, President at Zantek IT. “Once they understand the benefits though, most are quick to make the move.”

Top 3 reasons that SMBs haven’t yet moved to the cloud

1. No business case

What’s the bottom-line impact? It’s important to fully understand the financial upside, along with other business benefits such as improved customer service and competitive positioning. Mondor’s advice is to also consider the cost of doing nothing. “Look at the gains you will realize over the course of a year and calculate what a delay would cost – it’s a startling perspective.”

2. Nervous about business disruption
Moving to the cloud doesn’t necessarily mean a complete overhaul. There are various types of cloud environments, including a hybrid that combines in-house and external services. The learning curve will depend on your strategy, which is driven by your business goals. “The good news is that, once you make the leap, your company can more easily embrace other business-enabling technologies in the future,” says Mondor.

3. Insufficient IT resources
While cloud environments are lower maintenance than on-premise infrastructures, the planning and implementation requires specialized expertise. Even large-scale enterprises bring in experts to define strategies and implement a tailored plan. Mondor advises all businesses to take a strategic approach. “The worst thing you can do is try to piece together a cloud strategy. Start from the top and think ahead to maximize your return on investment.”

As technology continually evolves, businesses must adapt the way they engage customers, manage business functions, and collaborate with suppliers and partners. Companies with a cloud strategy are well positioned to embrace new technology, which can be a huge competitive advantage.

Take away – it’s time to explore options

Cloud computing quickly became mainstream and continues to gain advocates as more organizations of all sizes embrace it. If you haven’t already explored how this IT environment can streamline your business processes, you need to include an assessment in your 2014 plans.

Relevant links:

> Article: Is cloud-based ERP software right for you?

> Video:  Demystifying cloud computing

> As an expert: Submit your cloud question

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